Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

groupid: 1822439, currentGroupId: 1822439

ASTURAGUA, SERVICIO INTEGRAL DEL CICLO DEL AGUA, S.A.U. would like to inform you briefly, simply and clearly about how the personal data you provide is processed. To do this, it provides a summary of its Privacy Policy, whose full text, adapted to the new data protection regulations, can be viewed athttps://www.asturagua.es/proteccion-de-datos.

Data controller

ASTURAGUA, SERVICIO INTEGRAL DEL CICLO DEL AGUA, S.A.U. (hereinafter referred to as 'ASTURAGUA'), whose address is Calle La Cámara 19, Avilés.

Data Protection Officer


  • Email address: dpo@asturagua.es

    Postal address: Calle La Cámara, nº 19, 33402 Avilés (Asturias), to the attention of the ASTURAGUA Data Protection Officer.

    The ASTURAGUA Data Protection Officer (‘DPO’) is at your disposal to clear up any doubts you may have regarding how we process your personal data.

Purpose of data processing


Visitors to the website

If you visit our website without being a customer, we will collect the data you voluntarily provide by using the different forms/contact email addresses with the aim of dealing with your requests or queries. Remember that our website uses cookies (see the Cookies Policy: https://www.asturagua.es/politica-de-cookies).

Customers and users of the Online Office

As well as the above purposes, if you are a customer/user of the Online Office, we might use your data for:

  • Providing the water supply and/or other services you have contracted.
  • Processing and solving any incidents arising with the water supply and other contracted services.
  • Answering any requests you voluntarily send us (including complaints, queries and emergency calls, among others).
  • Providing information on your water consumption.
  • Carrying out statistical studies and surveys on the water supply, while your contract lasts.
  • Managing access and use of the online office.
  • Carrying out surveys unrelated to the service to learn about how ASTURAGUA and the SUEZ Group are perceived, during the period of your contract and always after having received your consent.
  • Sending you commercial information on our business and on events we organise or which are organised by third parties related to the management of the service provided by ASTURAGUA, always on the condition that you give your consent.
  • Generating a profile for you by continuously monitoring your water consumption and using other data you have provided, to offer personalised promotions and services related to the water sector for as long as you use this service and always after you give your consent.


Lawfulness of data processing


  • The contract you signed.
  • Drinking water supply service regulations, to the extent that they establish certain functions and obligations that require your personal data to be processed.
  • The company’s legitimate interest in leak detection, fraud control, water balance and statistical studies to improve the service or design of new functionalities.
  • Your consent for optional processing not directly related to the services you receive.

Recipients of the information

  • ASTURAGUA has a number of suppliers who assist in executing the contracted services.
  • Your data may be transferred to local competent authorities.


Your rights


  • You can access your data, ask for it to be rectified or erased, exercise the right to portability, object to our creating user profiles with your personal information or ask us to restrict processing in the way we explain in the Privacy Policy: 
  • Remember that your consent to processing your data for additional purposes (such as sending advertising) can always be withdrawn.